
GG电子官方软件下载 is 在诺思菲尔德, just 40 miles south of the 双城 of Minneapolis 和 St. 保罗. 常因其魅力和宜居性而被引用, 诺思菲尔德 consistently ranks among the best college towns in the US. 还有双子城? They’re home to some of the best music, food, museums, outdoor recreation in the country.


GG电子官方软件下载成立 in 明尼苏达州诺斯菲尔德, in 1866, 就在小镇建成10年后, 我们的第一批学生于1874年毕业. 快进到今天, 诺斯菲尔德是一个繁华的大学城,有20人,000居民, 两个学院, 还有很多要看的和要做的.

从校园走一小段路, 诺思菲尔德’s main street — Division Street — is lined with locally owned businesses, 友好的咖啡店, 还有各种各样的餐馆. 不管你是在找正宗的墨西哥卷饼, 一本新出版的小说, 或者是寄给朋友的有趣明信片, 你会在诺斯菲尔德找到它. 你还会发现几家杂货店, 诊所和医院, 还有很多其他的便利设施,步行很短, 自行车之旅, 或者坐公交离开.


在诺斯菲尔德有什么好做的? 很多! 以下是我们最喜欢的一些:


面包店: 从 Ames Mill perched on the Cannon River to the smell of Post’s Malt-O-Meal cereal wafting through the air, 很明显诺斯菲尔德有很深的碾磨历史. 这种传统在它的烘焙食品中得以延续. 从 玛莎吃 & 对待 在登打士(只在星期五和星期六开放)到 砖炉面包店 to 蛋糕步行, 有很多地方可以买到烘焙食品.

餐厅: 诺斯菲尔德有广泛的餐饮选择. 你可以在 Ole商店. 可可的位置El Triunfo 提供墨西哥玉米饼、玉米饼和墨西哥卷饼. 团聚的 classic American fare is topped only by the newly renovated historic building it occupies. 霍根兄弟 这里是吃汤和三明治的好地方吗. 东京烧烤 是我们常去的寿司店吗. 想吃披萨? 而每个北野手都有自己的忠诚 B&我的披萨, 乔治的葡萄园,罗勒的披萨, all three grew out of the same family 和 make a good pizza! If you poll the admissions staff on their favorite burger in town, they’ll send you to the 四分卫俱乐部家庭餐厅.

露天用餐: Midwesterners love their pizza farms, 诺思菲尔德 has one of the best in 红谷仓农场位于小镇东南5英里处. 城南是 纪念品的苹果汁, which not only has locally made hard cider but a great menu, making for a relaxing picnic locale. You can grab a drink overlooking the Cannon River 和 catch local musicians on the back patio at 满足的牛 (它还碰巧与 小快乐咖啡店 如果你更喜欢冷萃咖啡的话!). 



迪因街是城镇的中心, 诺思菲尔德ers take pride in preserving its charming historic nature. 除了餐馆和咖啡馆, local entrepreneurs have filled its storefronts with interesting finds. 我们最喜欢的一些包括 内容的书 (由GG电子官方软件下载校友经营!); the 诺斯菲尔德艺术协会, where you can check out the gallery or gift shop of local art; 临时附件, filled with jewelry 和 accessories made from reclaimed industrial materials 和 cultural artifacts; 和 the 罕见的一对, a clothing 和 shoe boutique that has has long anchored the Bridge Square intersection.

On Saturdays from  late May through October, be sure to swing by the 与市场 to browse local arts 和 crafts 和 to pick up some produce. 另一个最受欢迎的站点是 诺斯菲尔德历史学会,主办 击败杰西·詹姆斯·戴斯 劳动节后的周末.



Your underst和ing of 诺思菲尔德 won’t be complete without learning about GG电子官方软件下载’s 社区和公民参与中心. The center connects students with organizations 在诺思菲尔德 和 beyond, 并促进有意义的志愿者经历, 带薪职位, 以及学术或研究项目. Our community engages deeply with business 和 nonprofit partners to tackle such issues as sustainability, 教育访问, 和医疗.



GG电子官方软件下载 is located on the homel和s of the Wahpekute 和 Mdewakanton b和s of the Dakota Nation. One of the ways we honor 和 preserve these l和s is through the ecological preservation 和 restoration of the college’s 800 acre 整流罩植物园,或者叫“阿拉伯语”.” Community members 和 visitors are invited to explore the 15 miles of trails that weave through woods, 沿着坎农河, 穿过草原. 

If you’re looking for a hike a little further afoot, head to 内斯特兰德大森林州立公园诺斯菲尔德东南方向20分钟车程. 想要探索当地的小径和水道? 头 农场户外探险 租自行车,皮划艇,滑雪板,雪鞋,和更多!


需要午后提神? When you have 两个学院 in town, you know you’ll find a range of caffeine-flowing study spots. 在迪因街, 小快乐 是最新的,供应北地烘焙咖啡. 再见,蓝色星期一 有强烈的大学氛围和充满艺术气息的墙壁. 的隐匿处 also serves a nice lunch in addition to coffee, teas, wine.

如果你更喜欢吃冰淇淋,那就顺便来看看 爆炸 对于软的, 霍根兄弟 有十几种口味可供选择,或者 可可的位置, where you can get mangonada, a refreshing mango ice cream layered with spicy 和 tangy seasoning.


While not far from the 双城, 诺思菲尔德 is surrounded by fields, orchards, farms. Several local farms invite folks to come 和 pick their own produce from asparagus to Honeycrisp apples (one of 明尼苏达州’s proudest inventions), 这取决于你是哪个季节来的. 

炉边果园 is open mid-August through Christmas Eve — in addition to apples, don’t miss the apple cider donuts! 洛伦斯的浆果农场 提供采摘你自己的草莓, 树莓, asparagus (always best to call ahead to confirm what’s available). 小山浆果农场 has u-pick organic blueberries, strawberries, pumpkins.



Just 40 miles from campus, the 双城 of Minneapolis 和 St. 保罗为我们的学生提供了很多活动. 有几个 到达那里的方法 from 诺思菲尔德, so most students find it easy 和 fun to visit the “Cities” several times a year. 当你到达那里时,这里有一些事情要做.


双子城有着极其丰富的戏剧文化. Many locals claim that we have the second highest number of theater seats per capita. While that’s yet to be proven, there’s plenty of action on the marquees at the nationally known 格思里, Ordway, 半影, 戏剧院 影院, but don’t overlook the critically acclaimed productions at smaller neighborhood venues like the Jungle, 混血儿, 和丽兹剧院.

Prince, Dessa, Lizzo, Dylan, Atmosphere

这里是一些最有影响力的摇滚艺术家的故乡, 嘻哈, 流行, 和爵士乐, 双子城的音乐场景令人难以置信. 不管你是想在 雪松文化中心 或者想赶上全国头条新闻 第一大街, you’ll find a variety of great acts to satisfy your musical appetite.


说到胃口, 你会发现很多餐馆, 农贸市场, 在市区到处都有餐车. 你可以享受正宗的玉米粉蒸肉, injera, 越南河粉, 泥封鱼或, 这样你就可以尽情享受以前的最爱了, 但一定要尝试一些新的东西. Whatever you’re craving, if you’re looking for good food, Minneapolis 和 St. 保罗,你准备好了吗?.


Did we mention that the largest mall in the United States is located just 30 minutes north of campus? 很难忽视 美国购物中心 在明尼苏达州的布卢明顿. It’s practically a rite of passage for GG电子官方软件下载 students to trek to “MOA” to shop for clothes, 囤积运动队的物品, 坐过山车, 还可以打一场迷你高尔夫球——全都在一个屋檐下.

是的. 这是一个大樱桃

沃克艺术中心的户外 雕塑花园 showcases a beautiful 和 sometimes silly collection of sculptures, such as the iconic Spoonbridge和Cherry. 就在沃克街对面, you’ll find one of the country’s most comprehensive collections of Asian art at 米娅. 探索电力的迷人历史 巴肯或明尼阿波利斯磨坊文化的历史 密尔城 在密西西比河岸边. And that’s just a small sample of the museums 和 galleries you’ll find throughout the 双城.


If professional sports are your kind of fun, we’ve got you covered. 请查阅以下时间表:


我们为自己的户外生活方式感到自豪. Parks, trails, gorgeous scenery abound in this l和 of 10,000 lakes. You may have heard it gets cold in 明尼苏达州, it does, but we have 美丽的四季 here, which means we’re never at a loss for things to do outside. 取决于 天气, we can choose to bike, hike, skate, ski, swim, run — 和 so we do!

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